Anek Majak Amuom Abeny

Anek Majak Amuom Abeny is a Highschool Graduate and an aspiring Public Relations Officer (PRO).

Flora Chol

Flora Chol is a Melbourne based South Sudanese writer, Poet and activist who migrated to Australia with her mother, brothers and sister in 2003. Flora describes herself as ‘an earthly black woman writing in a stream of literary consciousness’. In May 2019 Flora published her debut a Poetic Anthology, Tomorrow’s Dream.  With writing from an […]

Aluel Atem

Aluel Atem is a development economist, trainer, facilitator, blogger and an African Feminist Activist from South Sudan with a primary focus on conflict transformation, gender and sexuality.

Nyibol Rachael

Nyibol Racheal is a South Sudanese refugee writer and is a student of Clinical Medicine at Indian Institute of Health and Allied Sciences student. She currently lives in Kampala Uganda. She has written books such as “If Only I Had Known” “A Fight Worth Taking” and “Now That I Know”. She’s passionate about mental health […]

Adeng Malual

Adeng Malual

Adeng is a young South Sudanese budding poet and student journalist who is passionate about poetry. She started doing poetry in primary school. Adeng is pursuing a Journalism and Mass Media course at the University of Juba. She is doing journalism to continue giving a platform to silenced voices of girls and young women who […]

Manal Abdulaziz Mudir

Manal Abdulaziz Mudir

Manal is a graduate of Peace and Conflict Studies with a passion for women’s and girls’ rights.  Her advocacy focuses on challenging cultural and gender norms that are harmful to women and girls.

Rebecca Chaplain

Rebecca Chaplai

Rebecca Chaplain is a student with a passion for drama and writing. She uses her writing to shine a light on various forms of Gender-Based Violence South Sudanese, especially women and girls are subjected to.

Ayak Chol Deng Alak

Writer’s Full Bio Ayak Chol Deng Alak Ayak is a refugee Born South Sudanese Clinical epidemiologist. A woman, and Security expert with a background in Radio and Television Journalism. She is a published researcher and currently serves on the board of Reformers of Africa and The Popular University for Citizen engagement among others. She formerly […]